
Upcoming Events

Leadership Council Meeting – via Zoom

The Community Leadership Council is composed of Community Leaders and other volunteers.  The CLC meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 until 7:30 pm to discuss community affairs and diversity, including upcoming events, the annual budget, support groups, communications, and other aspects of maintaining and enhancing the EE graduate community.   Look for details on the listserve, or contact the community leaders for more information.  All workshop graduates are invited to attend.

Happy Hour

The EE Graduate Community hosts a Happy Hour on the third Friday of each month.  EE graduates and their friends are invited to gather, talk, eat and drink while connecting with other EE Grads. Watch the listserv for details.

Men’s Group

The Men’s Groups meets on the first Monday of the month. All self-identified men in the Community are encouraged to join.  No need to have attended any prior meetings to participate.  Newcomers definitely welcome! Rather than a support group, this is a discussion group on topics of particular interest when uniquely viewed from the male perspective. Held in person at the home of Max Rivers – 500 Telner St., Philadelphia 19118

The Workshop & Introductions

The next Workshop is scheduled for April 3-6, 2025.  Workshop Introductions are scheduled monthly prior to the workshop. The next one is scheduled for March 19, 2025 . Intros are informal opportunities for people who may be interested in learning about the EE Workshop to hear from graduates and from organizers what the workshop is about.  Graduates are encouraged to invite and bring friends so that they can learn about the opportunities the workshop provides.  Introductions are held at Eric’s house in Bala Cynwyd beginning at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted.  You can RSVP on line or contact Tina at eeworkshop@comcast.net for more information. 

EE Calendar of Events

We are using Google for our calendar management solution. If you wish to load the EE happenings into your personal calendar for your computer or phone, please use the links below. If you are unsure of which file to use, please consult your device’s manual or your nearest teenager.

  • Events Calendar XML | ICAL
  • Meetings Calendar Feed  XML | ICAL
  • Workshops Calendar Feed  XML | ICAL
  • Support Groups Calendar Feed  XML | ICAL