February 29, 2016
Figure and Ground
One of the main contributions of Gestalt psychology to our understanding of human experience is the appreciation of how what we experience always is a “figure” standing out from a “ground” or background. We have all seen the famous duck-rabbit picture, or the one of the young woman and the old woman, where one “figure” appears at a time from […]
February 1, 2016
Communicating across Boundaries
We have significant and gratifying experience in the EE workshop communicating across the boundaries that often separate us. Younger people and older people get to see each other as people. People with money or status and people with little of either also get to see each other as people. Barriers of race, gender, education and religion are often overcome in […]
December 25, 2015
Most every Sunday at the workshop, I find myself talking to the Team about finishing. The immediate challenge, of course, is for us to “finish” the workshop. This doesn’t mean just being present when it ends. That, of course, is inevitable. The idea is for us to complete our work. I acknowledge that I am speaking to myself in saying […]